It's not new by any means, but if you're having trouble finding a pool noodle - and have a reasonably soft medicine ball (or kiddies football) rolling around; why not give Yamuna Body Rolling a go...
"WHAT IS YAMUNA BODY ROLLING™? It's Health, Fitness & Massage rolled into one!
Yamuna Body Rolling™ is a revolutionary approach to health and fitness using balls designed exclusively for this practice. It consists of a series of routines using 6 to 10-inch balls. Unlike other ball exercises, YBR goes far beyond random movement and stretch. It allows you to work specific muscles in detail, to create suppleness in tight areas and optimize range of motion.
Yamuna Body Rolling™ reeducates muscles and stimulates bone, creating positive, permanent changes in the body.
HOW DOES IT WORK? Yamuna Body Rolling works the way a hands-on practitioner works -only using a ball. The ball replaces hands as it moves on muscles to stretch them, dislodge tension and discomfort, increase blood flow, and promote healing.
Lying over the ball, you literally roll your body out almost like dough, stretching and elongating your muscles. The YBR routines follow specific sequences that match the body's own logic and order. Starting where each muscle begins, at its origin, you roll toward where it attaches to the point called its insertion".
So there you have it, it won't cost ya a penny to try but could save a lot more. (and no! I shan't be posting a pic of my balls)
The GLP-1 Solution is Here!
3 weeks ago
Oh, go on mate let's see the pics! Last time I got my balls out the dogs chewed 'em.
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