Now Rob had had his for a couple of weeks prior - but I'd resisted trying it out, in fact I hadn't even seen it. In the interim the 'woody' was being used not just by myself, but also by Dave (40something-business mogul/boxing coach), Nath (21y.o. - MMA nut) and even Tony (aka. 'Rusty') had a go. We were all still reaping the benefits when the 'instigators' arrived.
Simple, elegant & stylish - we love 'em. Dave's shoulders feel better than ever, Nath now has increased ROM/flexability and my glued-up-mouse-shuffling-key-pushing shoulders are rejuvenated. Along with strengthening the cuff muscle with the strong-arm band, the delts now have three distinctive heads and the shoulder girdle as a whole is much more free. Loving it! (note if you're gonna 'go at it' with the strongarm - radius off the corners of the slot, or you'll end up having to replace the thera band real soon... still beats the shoulderhorn hands down.)

Sorry I lied, Dave is still 'me bestest mate'
So a heartfelt 'Thanks' goes out to two great guys, Chris & Scott for their generosity and dedication not only to the health of the rotator cuff but to the health of 'er in doors' too.
Just one more request via Nath, can you invent a version for the legs...
*Busted display curtisay of my niece. Mmm shame it's still working - I could have used it as an excuse to go buy a Gymboss...
I'm glad to hear you guys are enjoying the Rotaters so much. Please let me know if you need anything.
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